What type of food does Eng Kee Restaurant serving?
Eng Kee Restaurant serves most of the Chinese style food.
Besides, Eng Kee Restaurant also serves some of the food with local taste.
What is the business hours of Eng Kee Restaurant?
From Monday til Saturday, Eng Kee Restaurant open at 11am and close at 11.30pm,
Sunday open from 5.30pm until 11.30pm.
The rest day of Eng Kee Restaurant is on every Tuesday.
Does the food at Eng Kee Restaurant Halal?
No, the food serves here is non-Halal one.
Does Eng Kee Restaurant provide any promotions,
such as set lunch or giving discounts at specific hours?
No. Eng Kee Restaurant does not provide any promotion.
It is because the food price here all are reasonable one. Does Eng Kee Restaurant do any advertisement through multimedia?
No, currently Eng Kee Restaurant did not do any advertisements,
but due to the power of mouths and the nice food and services provided,
Eng Kee Restaurant is getting famous. :)
Does Eng Kee Restaurant provides delivery service?
If no, will Eng Kee Restaurant plan to implement this new service in order to
increase more business?However, Eng Kee Restaurant always go for novelty.
About delivery service, it might be fall in consideration.